
Paul Morrone |

School picture day is always tough, especially with young kids. You never know exactly what they are going to look like by time it is their turn to take a picture. Will their hair be ok? Will their shirt be stained? Will they keep their shirt tucked in or their bow tie on straight? What will the background be like? And of course, will they be looking at the camera or smile as we hope? Too many variables, too many unknowns. And with our boys, the chances of getting a ‘textbook’ picture is remote at best – especially since we wanted them to take one together. So, we said foggetaboutit! It’s way more fun to look at a picture and laugh so we went full Sopranos for the kids picture this year. 

A big 'thanks' to my sister Kelly and her impeccable taste for hooking us up with these outfits!