How Time Flies

Paul Morrone |

By Paul Morrone CFP®, CPA/PFS, MSA

When I first started working with my dad eight years ago, part of getting acclimated in my new role was meeting all the people we are so fortunate to work with. It’s hard to believe, but over 30 years later many of you are meeting Kyle for the first time and have watched as our family has grown into its third generation over the past 32 years. Those that have known my father since the 80s (yes, there are many of you!) remember him sharing the news of my birth and may have even met me as a child. I’ve been told many times “I’ve known you since you were this tall” (with a hand gesturing to about 2 feet off the floor) or that “I remember coming to your house while you were still in diapers!” This was well before the days of email, text messaging and social media, so if you saw me back then it was likely in person or in a picture frame on my father’s desk.

We have entered a new era where we can communicate much more quickly and effectively. Something as simple as our weekly newsletter has created a platform for us to share personal stories with our clients, friends and family. Over the past year I’ve had the pleasure of talking about the trials and tribulations of becoming a parent with all of you, and thanks to some very good advice, Kyle has successfully made it to his first milestone birthday. Fortunately, we have had many more ups than downs and one can only hope to maintain that trend. 

Needless to say, it is crazy how time flies. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was introducing myself to you, and now, the better part of a decade later, you have watched as I crossed some of life’s biggest milestones off my list. From buying a house, to getting engaged, to getting married and now to having a child, it has seemingly gone by in the blink of an eye. I’ve been warned numerous times how quickly children grow, and there is really no way to comprehend the validity of that statement other than to experience it firsthand.

I continue to be humbled by the genuine level of interest that our clients and friends have in our family, with just about every conversation starting out the same way: “How is Kyle?!” I’ve learned that I’m merely a second-fiddle to my son now, and that is OK with me. I love the fact that so many people have had the chance to meet Kyle and my goal is to make sure you all have the ability to watch him grow alongside us. For those that have not had the chance to meet him in person, it is exciting to know that you continue to keep up with us through the many stories, photos and videos you see here and on social media. Who knows, 25 years from now he may be writing these messages to you instead of me!

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