Let's Get Social!

Paul Morrone |

By Paul Morrone CFP®, CPA, MSA

I’ve been a laggard when it comes to embracing social media as part of everyday life, but I’ve recently come around. Realizing the career destroying potential of an unflattering picture, a controversial post or being tagged in something completely out of my control, I decided that a hands-off approach was the best way forward. Now that I’m in my 30s and a little more ‘grown up,’ my outlook has changed. Even more surprising is that my friends have grown up, too. My newsfeed, which was previously full of college party pictures, is now filled with pictures of friends traveling, work related content, family photos and, of course, a barrage of baby photos from parents and grandparents alike. 

While I’m still careful with my privacy settings (you should be, too!), I’ve realized that being online isn’t so bad after all. In fact, I’ve come to enjoy catching up with family, friends and clients virtually. This way I know when you talk about your grandson or granddaughter (or even your dog), I can put a face to a name. It may not be a face-to-face or direct dialogue, but I find it to be a powerful way to keep in touch in a less invasive manner.

I’ve been in numerous situations when someone wants to show me pictures on their on their phone and the first thing they do is open their Facebook app. With a child on the way, I assume I’ll be doing the same very soon. While I don’t think that I lead a terribly exciting life, the few posts I do make seem to generate a lot of interest. I’ve even spent time on Twitter, which is a great place for someone with a short attention span to check in and get just the bullet points as to what is going on in the world.  Aside from some of the overly-political folks that tend to mindlessly rant on occasion, I actually find it a relatively pleasant and enjoyable experience.

I encourage all of you to find me on social media (or use the buttons, below, to link up with me), where you’ll soon be seeing pictures of our baby once he decides to arrive in this world. We also keep an up-to-date company page where we share news about the firm and what’s going on in the financial services industry. If you’re online, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s get social!

I encourage you to connect with me on social media using the following buttons: 

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